Download Form (Graduate Studies)

GS 1
Request for Advisor and Co-advisor Appointment
GS 1/1
Request for Change of Advisor and/or Co-advisor
GS 1/2
Request for a Thesis Proposal Examination
  GS 2 Request for Thesis Proposal Approval (Attached with the letter of Consent)
GS 2/1
Request for Thesis Proposal Amendment
  Letter of Consent
GS 3
Request for Appointment of Thesis Examination Committee
GS 3/1
Request for Changes of Thesis Examination Committee
GS 4
Request for Thesis Examination
GS 4/1
The Information of Publication of Thesis (Attached with GS14)
GS 4/2
Request for Changes Thesis Examination Date
GS 5 , 5/1
Report on Thesis Examination
GS 5/2
Request for Changes of Thesis Title
GS 6
Proof Format Thesis Form for Graduate Student
GS 7
Report on ComprehensiveExamination
  GS 7/1 Comprehensive Report
GS 8
Thesis Submission (Attached with GS14)
GS 9
Report on Progress of Thesis
GS 10
Request for Credit/Coursework Transfer
GS 11/1
List of Advisor/Co-advisor
  GS 11/2
List of Lecturers
  GS 11/3
Nomination of Adjunct Professor Appointment
GS 12
Request for Change of Study Program
  GS 13 Request for Changes of Study Level
  GS 14
Originality Report (Submit with thesis and minor thesis and publications)
  GS 14(NR)
Request for Appointment of Qualifying Examination Committee
  GS 14/1(NR)
Qualifying Examination Report
  GS 16
Request for Change of Study Plan
General Request Form
Application for Certification Letter
Request for Letter to Return to Work (for student who is civil servant or goverment employee and on a study leave)
Information of learning and progress of the thesis/dissertation